Selasa, 30 November 2010

i'm not missing YOU....

I'm not missing you
Been through just about everything that I could go through
When it comes to relationships
Don't know what I was missing or why I ain't listen
When I told myself that was it
Now here I go, hurt again
Cause of my curiousity
Now that it's over
What else could it be

I made a promise never to settle
Why didn't I keep it?
Cause I hated the heartbreak
Crying and cheating, the fooling around

(But) I'm not missing you
I'm not going through the motions
Waiting and hoping you call me
I'm not missing you
You might have had me open
But I must be going because
I got life to do
I know I'm usually hanging on
I used to hate to see you gone
But this time it's different
I don't even feel the distance
I'm not missing
I'm not missing you

It's a shame in a way cause
I feel that I may not ever find the right one for me
Did I leave him, is he right in front of my face oh
Will my true love ever be?
Why would I go on a search again
When I know what the end will be
What good is love when it keeps on hurting me?

I made a promise never to settle
Why didn't I keep it?
Cause I hated the heartbreak
Crying and cheating, the fooling around

Chorus x 2

No I can't be with you
Cause I'm scared felt like I was falling when you left me
I can't keep going through life
Unaware of what I missed
And the person I could be
Love's good when it's right
And when it's left in your memory
All the times I let you down
I guess love will be nice for someone else's life

(But) I'm not missing you
I'm not going through the motions
Waiting and hoping you call me
I'm not missing you
You might have had me open
But I must be going because
I got life to do
I know I'm usually hanging on
I used to hate to see you gone (I used to hate it)
Oh different, oh feel the distance
I'm not missing
I'm not missing you

I'm not going through the motions
Waiting and hoping you call me (knockin' at my door)
You might have had me open
But I must be going because (it's the best day of my life)
I know I'm usually hanging on
I used to hate to see you gone
Oh different, feel the distance
I'm not missing
I'm not missing you I'm not missing you (oh baby)
I'm not missing you
I'm so over you
It ain't even a problem
Ni pulak lagu yang EZ bagi masa kitorang sem 1. Masa tu masing—masing masih cuba nak adapt dengan life kat Uni… isk, aku rasa aku ok je, siap dapat gelaran lone-ranger dari bestie2 aku..yelah, kalau korang jadi aku pun, mungkin terpaksa tabahkan diri juga. Masuk Univ yang ntah kat ceruk mana, budak dari SMKTD Cuma 2-3 orang, sorang malay (akulah tu), sorang indian (navin-nasib baik sempat berkenalan dengan dia masa kem kat UPM dulu) and the others’ Chinese (yang aku tak tahu sapa pun,huhu). Datang U pun, abang & ex-awek dia hantar naik bas (semua perbelanjaan aku tanggung), abang tolong angkat beg je, subuh, turun kat Masjid dalam kampus, lepas subuh g Kolej Kediaman sementara (nasib baik dekat masjid), then, sebelum pukul 8.15, orang pun tak dak lagi, abang n akak CT tuh dah kena balik umah… mana tak kena independent cum survival sendiri..huhu
Ok, back to this song. Huhu, memang rasa terharu gak masa baca email EZ ni… dia memang suka dengar lagu-lagu English, send lirik ni melalui email, selalu jugak la dia mengadu life dia kat sana, kesian pun ada..kenapalah aku tak apply masuk KUTPM(MSU sekarang) masa tu, dapat juga la aku temgok2kan dia.. tak lah kitorang rasa terasing and alienated semacam je masa jumpa sekarang ni.
Jujur cakap, aku dengan EZ macam dah susah nak ngam. Kalau dulu masa zaman tingkatan 6, boleh je buat rutin senaman jantung, bergelak ketawa sekurang-kurangnya 10 minit sehari, sekarang, kalau call pun, rasa macam baru 2 minit, dah tak ada isu nak dibincangkan. Padahal, bukan call selalu pun. Oh Ez,I really miss that moment la..
Agaknya sebab kita dah tak sealiran kot. EZ dah extremely addicted dengan kpop & yang seumpanya.. aku lak? Ntah, biasa je dengan semua lagu…huhu… x dela sampai jadi kipas-susah-mati mana-mana lagu atau genre…So, sekarang, bila jumpa pun, macam a-nobody je..nampak sangat aku tak pandai berkawan, dan tak pandai jaga hati kawan sedia ada.. haish…..teruk betul aku ni... (T_T)

raya 2010...thanks Dayah, Syida & EZ...

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